Easy dilution calculator

This calculator helps you understand how the current ownership stake in your company may be diluted over time due to factors such as new investments. If you are interested in finding out how option pools and convertibles impact dilution, you can sign up for a free account and play around with different simulations.

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Your new ownership (%)
You will be diluted by:

The importance of understanding dilution

Calculating dilution is crucial for several reasons, especially in the context of equity management and ownership in a company. Here are some key reasons why it's important to calculate and understand dilution

Informed Decision-Making:
Dilution calculations provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of how their ownership in the company may change over time. This information empowers them to make informed decisions about their involvement in the company.

Investor confidence:
For investors and shareholders, understanding dilution is vital. It helps them gauge how their initial investment or ownership stake may be impacted by subsequent financing rounds and stock option grants.

Confidence in Funding Rounds: Potential investors may use dilution calculations to assess whether a new funding round is fair and whether they will maintain a satisfactory ownership percentage after participating.

Company Valuation:
Dilution calculations are often tied to the valuation of the company. As new shares are issued at different valuations, it affects the overall valuation of the company. Knowing how dilution impacts valuation is crucial for strategic planning and financial modeling.

Investor Transparency:
Demonstrating transparency in communicating dilution and its impact on existing shareholders can build trust with investors, potentially attracting more investment in the future.

Regulatory Requirements:
In some jurisdictions and under certain regulatory frameworks, companies are required to disclose dilution and ownership changes to shareholders. Calculating and understanding dilution helps ensure compliance with these requirements.

Financial Projections:
Dilution calculations are essential for financial planning and modeling. They allow companies to anticipate the impact of future equity issuances on their capital structure and financial performance.

Exit Planning:
Dilution plays a significant role in exit strategies, such as mergers and acquisitions or initial public offerings (IPOs). Understanding how dilution affects ownership can help companies negotiate favorable terms during exit events

Simulate complex financing rounds on your cap table

Create simple or advanced scenarios involving changes to your cap table through new money investments, SAFEs or Convertible note conversions and option pools.
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Ownership target calculator

The calculator below allows you to effortlessly determine the amount of capital required to achieve your desired percentage of ownership in a company. Whether you're a startup founder, an investor, or an employee seeking equity, this calculator simplifies the process of setting and achieving ownership goals.

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Additional shares you need to acquire:
Amount you need to invest (EUR):
Your total number of shares:

Why having a clear ownership target is important:

Ownership Target Calculator is a vital resource for anyone involved in startups, investments, or equity-based compensation, providing clarity, transparency, and strategic insight into ownership dynamics within a company.

Goal Setting: The calculator helps individuals set clear ownership goals, whether it's founders aiming to retain a certain level of control or investors looking to increase their stake in a promising venture.

Financial Planning: It aids in financial planning by allowing users to assess the financial commitment required to reach their ownership objectives, thereby preventing over-extension or under-investment.

Negotiation: For entrepreneurs seeking investment or co-founders, this tool is invaluable for negotiation. It helps ensure that discussions with investors or potential partners are grounded in precise ownership percentages and funding needs.

Investment Decisions: Investors can use this calculator to evaluate the impact of different investment amounts on their ownership stake, assisting in decision-making and risk assessment.

Simulate complex financing rounds on your cap table

Create simple or advanced scenarios involving changes to your cap table through new money investments, SAFEs or Convertible note conversions and option pools.
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Calculate the conversion of a SAFE 

Understanding the conversion terms of a SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) is important for both investors and founders of a startup. SAFE warrants are a type of financial instrument commonly used in early-stage funding rounds, especially in the tech startup industry. They are designed to simplify the investment process by deferring both the valuation of the company until a later financing round and deferring the issuing of shares.

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SAFE holder - number of shares
SAFE holder - ownership (%)

Simulate complex financing rounds on your cap table

Create simple or advanced scenarios involving changes to your cap table through new money investments, SAFEs or Convertible note conversions and option pools.
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The importance of understanding SAFEs

Investment Terms: The conversion terms of a SAFE determine how and when the investor's money will convert into equity in the startup. This affects the investor's ownership stake and potential returns on their investment.

Valuation: SAFE warrants postpone the valuation of the startup until a later date, such as during a priced equity round (e.g., a Series A round). Understanding the conversion terms is crucial because they dictate the valuation cap and discount rate, which are used to determine the investor's share price when the loan converts into equity.

Investor Protection: For investors, understanding the conversion terms helps ensure they receive a fair and equitable stake in the company when the loan converts. This includes knowing the valuation cap, discount rate, and any other terms that might affect their ownership stake.

Founder Dilution:
Founders need to understand how SAFE conversions will impact their ownership and control of the company. Depending on the terms, significant dilution can occur when SAFE loans convert, affecting the founder's share of ownership.

Negotiation: When negotiating the terms of a SAFE agreement, both parties (investors and founders) need a clear understanding of how the conversion terms work. This allows for fair negotiations and helps ensure that the terms align with the expectations and goals of both parties.

Future Financing Rounds: SAFE conversions can impact subsequent financing rounds, as they affect the company's capital structure and ownership distribution. Founders may want to consider how SAFEs will convert when planning future fundraising efforts.

Exit Strategies: Understanding the conversion terms is essential for both investors and founders when considering exit strategies, such as an acquisition or an initial public offering (IPO). The conversion terms determine how SAFEs will convert or be cashed out in these scenarios.